Links and Loves - Speaking Cards, New Google Slides Feature, Writer Igniter, Music Sites, Witeboard and Audio Tools

I have so many great things to share this week!

This week while I was teaching a lesson, the students were very quiet and hesitant to share or respond to any questions or comments.   I wish I would have had something like these speaking goal cards.  Just having students think of a goal and a purpose for sharing might have improved their participation.

Google Slides has a new feature coming soon. Captioning in real time! This will be useful for students who are taking notes during a presentation.  This feature is being rolled out in a gradual release, so it may be a few weeks before you see it in your account.

Writer Igniter is a fun web application that will create randomly generated writing prompts. The prompt will include a character, a situation and a prop along with a setting for your story.
This one’s for all the music teachers out there.  

And this one is for all teachers everywhere. A shareable whiteboard space. Share your weekend plans with me on this witeboard!

Curricular Connection
Here are a few sites for recording audio. - Adjust the volume to half way for the best quality. Download as an MP3 or share the audio with a link
*NEW* GoSynth - Record up to 256 seconds of audio. There is an option to transcribe the speech to text. Share with a link or embed into a site.
Twisted Wave - similar to Audacity, but works on the Chrome browser.  Edit a recording and add effects.

I hope your weekend is filled with laughs, wins and special memories. Make it a good one!


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