Links and Loves - Bookmarking Tool, March Backgrounds, Project Ideas, Adobe Spark

Hello friends and colleagues.  
I hope you had a fabulous week!

Here are a few Links and Loves for you to check out:

Wakelet looks promising for saving content to use later, or to build a portfolio. It could also be useful to gather research articles and resources. Here is a collection I made on Wakelet for gif creation tools. Here is a collection that someone else made on Space Exploration. There is also an extension that you can use to quickly bookmark links.

Here are your March Tech Backgrounds - Think Spring!

Are you looking for student project ideas? Here is a list of 16 of them!

This weekend I will be facilitating an Engineering Derby at Bayview Middle School in Green Bay. I can't wait to explore, learn, create and try out new ideas and projects with inspiring educators!

Classroom Connection

Have you tried Adobe Spark yet?
With Adobe Spark you can create a graphic, a web page or a video within minutes.  Check out all of the possibilities in the gallery!  Adobe Spark will make your photos, videos, and text stand out with beautiful professional layouts. Use photos from your own device, from your favorite cloud services, or search through thousands of free stock photos.  I highly recommend showing your students Adobe Spark. They will appreciate how easy it is to use.

Have a fabulous weekend everyone! May your days be sunny and bright!


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