Artistic Talents Show Through at This Site

Odosketch is a simple, yet powerful, on-screen drawing tool.  It provides a palette of colored pencils and a blank page.  Check out my drawing!

My favorite part of Odosketch is to look at art created by others.  Just visit the gallery, click on a drawing you like and watch a replay of the creation from start to finish so you can see exactly how the artist completed the sketch.

Viewing a slideshow is another tool available at Odosketch.  Just click on Sketch Slideshow and watch replays of sketches from the gallery.

Note:  You do need to sign up for a free account to save your drawings.  You can also use a screen capture to get a copy of your sketch.

Ideas for the classroom:  
Students can illustrate stories.
Students can show their artistic talents.
Use your projector to show a slideshow between transitions.
Please add your own ideas by leaving a comment.

Here is another site that allows you to draw a picture and then replay it.


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