Two Neat Ways to Practice Vocabulary or Spelling
These two sites are great for introducing vocabulary or practicing spelling words.
First is a site called Dotty Dots. Type in the word you want and click go. Then move your mouse over the dots and the dots go crazy and scramble all over the place. Take the mouse away and the dots magically go back to where they belong. We're going to use this in spelling. We will spell the word, make the dots go crazy while students spell the word on their slates, then let the word go back to normal to see if we spelled the word correctly.
First is a site called Dotty Dots. Type in the word you want and click go. Then move your mouse over the dots and the dots go crazy and scramble all over the place. Take the mouse away and the dots magically go back to where they belong. We're going to use this in spelling. We will spell the word, make the dots go crazy while students spell the word on their slates, then let the word go back to normal to see if we spelled the word correctly.
DARN! Word Mix is no longer available! Thank you Janet for making me aware of this!
Next is a site called Word Mix. Type in a word and the letters will be put into tiles that can be arranged by clicking and dragging them. Then type in the word and see if you were correct.