My Slideshow Using the Colgate Site


Mrs. Ermatinger said…
Thanks for the tutorial on embedding videos. I took some time after school to create my first Halloween video of my students on JibJab. I think they are going to love it! I have also been linking some of your sites to my web page so students can access them from school or home. What an awesome wealth of ideas and resources you are sharing Deb! Thankyou!!!!!!!
Anonymous said…
You're welcome, Vicki. Great job making a video. I would love to see your web page and your video if you are willing to share!
Anonymous said…
Loved the Colgate activity - did you see mine? I shared it with you. I like how it's quick and easy. It's a nice filler activity too for students who are done early with a project or activity.
Anonymous said…
Also, not sure where to post since I was finally able to view the tutorial from home today on How to Post to your blog - I've done that a few times now, as you know, but didn't know about the HOME and OLDER POSTS tabs, so thanks for sharing - I'm trying to catch up here. Also, I seemed to have misplaced the paper copy survey you gave us sometime last week or so - do you have another you can get me? Sorry about that...

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