Links and Loves

One of the things I love about technology and the Internet is how random things can be.
Here is a list of very random Links and Loves.

This week I did some coding with students in an after school program. has an entire collection of coding activities ranging from grades 2 - 12. We used Karel the Dog to learn basic Java Script which was challenging enough for the students.

Thank you Kasey Bell from Shake Up Learning for teaching me how to make short gifs using Gyazo. This is such a simple and useful tool for any educator.

I was very moved by this video shared with me from Tara Lere, an educator from East Range Academy of Science and Technology in Minnesota, who is participating in ISTE’s Verizon Mobile Learning Academy. Tara uses the video in her health class.

Gotta Love Millennials is a multi-track video sung by a Gen X singer with a lot of humor. Compare this to If Ye Love Me which is a multi-track video of a song from the Renaissance time period sung by a Millennial.

I warned you these were RANDOM!


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