Word Clouds, Clickable Images, Icebreakers, OH MY!

Poll Everywhere has so Many Different Options

It's been a while since I've used Poll Everywhere. Recently a colleague of mine asked about using this wonderful site, and I was pleasantly surprised when I visited Poll Everywhere. There are many, many choices for polling students. And not every choice is necessarily a poll. 

Some of the more unique options include Leaderboard, Self-Paced Quiz, News Ticker and Select on a Map.  What great options for collecting feedback, assessment, written response and opinions from staff and students.

Another useful feature that I found was the ability to embed a Poll Everywhere into a Google Slide presentation. This is super easy to do with the Google Chrome Extension for Poll Everywhere.  Here is a quick video showing how this works:

I love that teachers and students can easily add an interactive poll or activity directly into their Google Slide presentation during a lesson.  The Poll Everywhere shows up in the presentation without the need to go to Poll Everywhere. In addition the presenter can adjust the settings of the poll right in Google Presentations such as turning the poll on or off and locking the responses.

If you want to ask a series of questions, simply create a group and add various types of poll questions to the group.

Recently I did a Poll Everywhere with the students at our high school and I'm so touched and impressed with the responses. 

Check them out:

One of the great things about Poll Everywhere is the ability to see the responses in real time. I love watching the data appear as it is collected. 

One restriction of Poll Everywhere is that responses are anonymous unless you upgrade to allow for reporting and grading. Also, the free educational account allows for 40 responses per poll.  To get around this, I either clearing all responses or I make a duplicate poll.

I highly recommend using any of the unique options in Poll Everywhere


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