Image Detective

Image Detective is an interactive site that has students analyze a historical photo and make conclusions about the photo.  Their job is to figure out what is going on in the photo.  

Students work through a four step process:
1. Form a question
2.  Gather clues
3.  Get information
4.  Form a conclusion.

There are 9 photos to choose from.  Take a look at this screen capture.
Every student could be assigned the same photo to analyze or you could divide the photos up among your students.  

To give students a better idea of how the detective process works, I would first show the students the example of how a scholar investigates a photo.  It is in the bottom left corner.  

I had fun trying several of these Image Detective Photos.  And I learned some things along the way!  With a little pre-teaching and preparation, I believe that Image Detective could be a great learning experience for students.


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