Watch YouTube Videos In a Google Document? YES!
Play YouTube Videos in a Google Doc With the DocuTube Add-on
Most Google Doc users who want to include a YouTube video in their doc, will simply hyperlink the video or just paste the link in their Google Doc. If a person wants to watch the YouTube video they will click on the link and a new tab will open to the video.
But wait. . . there is a more seamless option!
But wait. . . there is a more seamless option!
With the DocuTube add-on, viewers can see the YouTube videos directly in the Google Doc!
Simply open a Google Doc and click on add-ons and then get add-ons. Next search for Docutube.
Once you and your students have the DocuTube add-on, theYouTube videos that are hyperlinked or linked in your Google Doc will be viewable.
I first heard about this from Lance Yoder in this video:
Anyone creating Hyperdocs will find this add-on particularly useful and a game changer.
Remember: The DocuTube add-on will need to be added in Google Docs before viewing the YouTube videos in your Google Doc.
I highly recommend giving DocuTube a try.