Chat with Deb - iPad Apps for Creating eStories and eBooks
Today I share three great apps for creating an eBook or eStory.
Write About This $3.99 (I'm using the Lite free version)
Book Creator $4.99
Here are some ideas for creating eBooks or eStories:
ScreenChomp Free
Write About This $3.99 (I'm using the Lite free version)
Book Creator $4.99
Here are some ideas for creating eBooks or eStories:
- retell a story
- create a book on a researched topic
- make a Mother's Day or Father's Day book
- All About Me book
- a book about your city, state, country or world
- personal narrative, persuasive or argumentative, opinion etc.
- a book report
- poetry
- about a famous person or someone you admire
- a how to book
- a cookbook
Issuu is a great place to host your ebooks.
Thank you to Intel and Teachers Engage for hosting this episode of Chat with Deb.