Vote for Your Favorite Bookmarking Site

Do you have a favorite bookmarking site?  Or are you like me, you have bookmarks all over the place?

I have bookmarks saved on Pinterest, Symbaloo, Listly, Delicious, Diigo, Etc.

Guess what, sometimes I have a hard time finding what I bookmarked.  :)

So I'm curious to know what you use and if you have a favorite.

Please take a minute to vote for your favorite bookmarking site on my Listly list or you can choose to vote through this Google Form if you do not want to sign up for Listly.  Let me know if I should add a site to my list that you use.  To vote you can simply click on the up arrow to vote a site up or on the down arrow to vote a site down.

Thank you for voting!


Judy said…
Deb, to vote, I am being asked to sign up for Listly or to connect to Listly with another account. Sorry, don't want to do that. I use several bookmarking tools you list, but Diigo is the one I use daily and go to when I want to find something.
Anonymous said…
So sorry, Judy! I didn't realize that you needed a Listly account to vote. I created a Google form to make voting available to those who aren't on Listly. Thanks for letting me know about the issue. :)

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