8 Sites You May Have Forgotten About
The following is a list of sites that have been around for a while which you may have forgotten about. These sites are still fantastic resources to use in your classrooms.
#1 Padlet
Wallwisher is now called Padlet. Padlet has so many options:
#2 Voki
#3 Answer Garden
Answer Garden in a minimalistic feedback tool. You can use it as a tool for online brainstorming or embed it on your website or blog as a poll or guestbook.
Here is an example:
#4 Vocaroo easily record yourself and share the recording.
Click on my recording!
Voice Recorder >>
Look at all of the sharing options! I love the QR code choice!
There is no need to sign up for an account. I plan to use Vocaroo in our blog posts for March.
#5 Odosketch
Use Odosketch to draw beautiful pictures on your computer.
Here is my picture
#6 You Tube
This is one of my most used and relied upon sites on the Internet. I just found this video to supplement the story we are reading about Niagara Falls. I love how the video is like taking a tour of America. My students will soon be creating a Virtual Field trip and this video is perfect for the inspiration we need.
#7 geoGreeting
Use Google Maps to send a message. Click here to see mine.
#8 Jigsaw Planet
Create a jigsaw puzzle with any image you choose. Embed the puzzle or share the link.