
Showing posts from March, 2013

Career Day Sites

Today I'm sharing some sites that can be used with your students when thinking about careers and Career Day.  Our career day is this Friday! #1   Careers at a zoo #2   Career Clusters #3   My first resume   #4   Aquarium Careers #5   Eco-Careers  #6  Career Videos All of the sites I'm sharing today can be found on KB Konnected's Livebinders site .  There are many more resources to use in this Livebinder.

St. Patrick's Day Resources

Here are some St. Patrick's Day activities to share with your students: #1 Row Swap Puzzles #2 Shamrock Shatter #3 Spot the Difference #4 Collect the Coins #5 Shamrock Sudoku Other resources can be found at KB Konnected's Livebinder


Meograph looks like a useful site for digital story telling.   Meograph allows you to create a presentation which can include Google Maps, images, audio and video.  Therefore it is considered to be four-dimensional.  The presentation plays in a timeline format.  Take a look at this example: Check out this video explaining how to create a Meograph : I played around with Meograph and found it very simple to use.  This site could easily be used by lower elementary all the way through adults.  I highly recommend checking Meograph out.

8 Sites You May Have Forgotten About

The following is a list of sites that have been around for a while which you may have forgotten about.  These sites are still fantastic resources to use in your classrooms.  #1 Padlet Wallwisher is now called Padlet .   Padlet has so many options: #2 Voki Voki is a site for creating a talking avatar.  Did you know that there are lesson plans available for using Voki in the classroom?  There is also an option to get Voki Classroom for $29.99.  Here is a video about using Voki in the classroom: #3 Answer Garden Answer Garden in a minimalistic feedback tool.  You can use it as a tool for online brainstorming or embed it on your website or blog as a poll or guestbook.   Here is an example: at . #4 Vocaroo  easily record yourself and share the recording.   Click on my recording! Voice Recorder >> Look at all of the sharing options!  I love the QR code choice! ...

Course Director vs Schoology

As I create more and more hybrid lessons and units, it is imperative that I have a way to host my content online.   This past year our district went with Course Director, which as you may know, is part of Google for Education.  Course Director uses Google Sites to display all of the course content.  The quizzes are made with Google Forms and discussions are done through Google Groups.  There is also a choice to have a grade book. This year I have created many, many Google Sites to host my math units, spelling content and others.  I also use Google Forms all the time for our quizzes.  For some reason, I haven't used the discussions or the grade book. Here is what some of my content looks like using Course Director: Math Unit Science Topic Spelling Content AND NOW INTRODUCING SCHOOLOGY!!!!! I first heard about Schoology two years ago at TIES.  I used it last year for the first time.  Thi...