
Showing posts from 2020

Links and Loves October 30, 2020 - Canvas Adds a History Tab, Canvas Betterizer, GSuite is now Google Workspace, Right Click in Gmail

Check out this week's Links and Loves for October 30th. Click on the October tab and then click forward to today's slide. 

October 9, 2020 Google Meet Updates and a Change for Google Trash


Links and Loves - Full Screen Mode, What I've Been Creating, Covid 19 Resources, Digital Learning Day Success, Adobe Spark

Links and Loves - Clear Your Cache, TikTok, My Amazing Colleagues are Meeting the ISTE Student Standards!

Links and Loves - Quick Tip - Lock Your Computer, Random Group Generator, Goose Chase, Inflation Calculator, QR Code Generator

Links and Loves - Tip for Highlighting Text, What I'm Watching, Actively Learn, Google's Super Bowl Commercial, Data Privacy Day, Four Amazing Future Ready Sites

Links and Loves - Font-Weights, Culturize, Zoom, Originality Reports, Name Coach, An Awesome Hyperdoc, Avoid the Gotcha Game

Links and Loves - Quick Tip for Google Security, Netflix Binge Watch, Floop for Feedback, Doodle for Google, Google Science Journal App

Links and Loves - Quick Tip, What I'm Listening To, Google Spreadsheet Monthly Budget, Resources for Snow Virtual Snow Days, Empathy Lesson with Chatbots, Zero Based Calendar