Sharing a Tool - And Why I'm Worried About It
To Share or Not to Share An Attractive Tool for Creating Digital Worksheets Lately there is a movement not to promote tools that aren't deep in pedagogy and critical thinking. It seems that as technology integrators we are to share tools and strategies that are strong in the SAMR model or promote the most cutting edge movements in education. Gone are the days of 60 sites in 60 minutes or Top 10 sites for creating . . . What I'm going to share today isn't cutting edge. It is at the substitution level of SAMR. I doesn't necessarily involve critical thinking, yet I really like this tool and I'm confident that teachers and students will like it as well. The site is called and it is used to create a digital worksheet. can also be used for formative assessments. A teacher can create their own worksheet or they can explore the hundreds of already created worksheets and use them. Here is the link to a worksheet I found while browsing on ...