Do You Need a Pick Me Up?
A Few New Favorites Things that are Making My Day It's often the little things that keep me going on a positive vibe throughout my day. Today I'm going to share a few things that I've discovered lately that help to make my day inspiring and also give me just the pick me up that I sometimes need. Momentum - This is an extension that will replace your new tab page with a personal dashboard featuring a todo list, the weather, an inspirational quote and a beautiful picture from somewhere in the world. Here are two screen captures of my Momentum from today: Elle Luna - If you're anything like me, you often have ideas swimming around in your brain. Sometimes I wish I could make those ideas a reality or simply stop whatever I'm doing and follow my heart to dedicate my time to these ideas. Elle Luna is an artist and self starter who delivered the Keynote at the Alt Summit this past winter. If you have an hour, or even if you don't, please watch...