
Showing posts from January, 2016

Create a Map of Learning - Oh the Possibilities!

Google Maps can Create a Visual Documentation of Learning and Integrates with Google Classroom Video Series - #9 Google Classroom Tech Integration

VR Amazes Me- Chat with Deb

VR =Virtual Reality  This Innovative Technology is an Amazing Experience Perhaps you've heard of Google Cardboard or the VR View-Master ? Perhaps you tried out Google Glass or worn a virtual headset of some sort?  If not, chances are you will in the near future.  Check out this Chat with Deb to learn more about this innovative technology called virtual reality.  I wanted to try something new for this month's Chat with Deb, so I decided to use Powtoon .  Enjoy! Click on the image above to load the slideshow.

Make Time for This - -

Create a Digital Timeline of Events Using TimeToast and Integrate it with Google Classroom Video Series - #8 Google Classroom Tech Integration

It's Finals Week!

Give Your Students a Break During Finals Week And Be Prepared for Cheating Finals can be taxing and exhausting for our students. Here are some ideas on how to help students with anxiety and to give the students some brain breaks throughout the week.  5 Ways For Teachers to Chillax Students on Test Day Pen Flipping Brain Break Hand Shake Brain Break Waiter Brain Break And here is a video about. . .  7 Ways Kids Cheat and 7 Ways to Stop Them Hopefully these resources help you and your students during finals week and may you not have any cheaters.